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Iansã earrings. n195


Iansã earrings

Metal is solid brass.. circles, wires, beads and ear wires. The red glass beads are from Indonesian. And bellow an antique brass charm finishes the ornamentation.

The dangle 3 inches long
Circle is 1 3/8 in diameter

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*In Candomblé, Oya is known as Oiá, lyá Mésàn, or most commonly, Iansã, from the Yoruba Yánsán. Iansã, as in Yoruba religion, commands winds, storms, and lightning. She is the queen of the river Niger and the mother of nine. She is a warrior and is unbeatable. Attributes of Iansã include great intensity of feelings, sensations, and charm. Another ability attributed to Iansã is control over the mysteries that surround the dead. Iansã is syncretized with Saint Barbara. In the Candomblé nação (association) of Angola Congo, Iansã is associated with the color red.